Special Notes:
* Puppy Pick Day is typically the first Saturday after the puppy is six weeks old.
* Puppy Take Home Day is typically the first Saturday after the puppy turns eight weeks old.
Reserve your puppy today - We do take deposits on future litters which allows you to get in early on the pick order. Please visit the "Getting Started" page for more information. We continually have future owners reserving puppies. If you are interested in reserving a puppy you can email us from the "Contact Us" page or call us directly at 405-277-0777. You can reserve a puppy today, we will be glad to fill you in on all the details.
Rosie and Cowboy puppies - born 5/30/19 - SOLD
Click "HERE" to see pictures of Rosie / Cowboy puppies.
Reba and Sawyer puppy - born 3/31/19 - SOLD
Click "HERE" to see pictures of Rosie / Cowboy puppies.
Interested in an ADULT dog? Call 405-277-0777 or email us from the "Contact Us" page.
All of our dogs have their OFA certifications for hip, elbow, heart and eye. This helps give every possible advantage for a healthy puppy.